Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fair Hill Recognition

Check out this blog about Australian event rider Kate Chadderton and her bareback challenge at Fair Hill. She most graciously used one of my photos in the article :) Thanks Kate!

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Kid Cuteness Continues!! More Kid Photography for Tara K Photo

Hi everyone!

I am on a roll with kids and babies these days :) I had a blast photographing Sofia, a very active 2yr old, as she played in the park. Sometimes, when kids don't want to sit for formal photos, getting candids of them in a happy environment  such as a park, are the best! Plus it's also fun for me, the photographer. Here are some shots from the photoshoot below:

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fall Photoshoot: Preston and Zayden

I know as photographers we all have our "specialties." Areas or subjects that we tend to like to shoot the most, or just end up shooting the most often. For me, it's weddings and horses/horse shows. I find myself always at one of the two. Every once in awhile I will have family portraits or senior portraits thrown in, but very rarely do I get to do kids or infants.

Earlier in the week I had the privilege of shooting Preston (1 1/2 mo.) and Zayden (10 mo.) for their fall pictures. It was so cold outside but they both were awesome! It couldn't have gone any smoother and I loved every minute of it. I think I am going to try and take more time out of my usual photography routine and shoot more kids. There's something to say about capturing the innocence of a child. 


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Kelly & Alex: A Beautiful Fall Wedding in Maryland

Hello blog world!

As I had mentioned, I was shooting a fall wedding yesterday. Well, I wanted to let you know it was a HUGE success. Not only was the wedding and all the people in it beautiful, but the weather was perfect for shooting! It was on and off sunny but overall still very bright without those blinding sun rays. This is my favorite weather for taking outdoors photos because you still have a lot of natural light for your photos but you don't have to worry about people squinting, harsh sunlight shadows, or sun rays across faces.
The wedding started around 11am and was a beautiful ceremony with about 140 people. It was set on the quiet, serene setting of Wye Island in Queenstown, Maryland. Just lovely! Congrats again to the couple and thank you for having me as your photographer.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fall Wedding Photography= My Favorite

Hi everyone!

I haven't posted in a little while partially due to the fact I've been so busy but also partially due to the fact that I LOVE fall weather and sitting in front of a computer is the last place I'd want to be :)

Weddings in the fall are the best! I am looking forward to my fall wedding this weekend and am eager to get started! It looks like the weather is supposed to be low 70's and partly cloudy which is actually my preference for shooting!

I want to share this great article from the New York Institute of Photography on shooting and capturing fall foliage:

I will keep you updated and post some shots after the wedding. Wish me Luck!!!!