1.) The wedding industry isn’t about love anymore. It isn’t about marriage or happiness. It’s about money. $$$.
That’s why when you call somewhere to reserve a space, and they find out it’s for a wedding reception, an extra $500 is tacked on to the price. Or why some reputable photographers begin their packages in the thousands.
Is it just me, or is this crazy?! Since when did more $ mean more value? I am seeking to change this by charging reasonable rates in my own packages; enough to cover my expenses and make a living, but not going to drought your pocketbook. And hopefully, people will share their experiences with others and let them know you don’t have to pay $4,000 to love your wedding photos.
2.) Your wedding has been limited to a number of hours and a number of locations.
I think this is beyond ridiculous. I have seen a lot of photographers say they will attend “two wedding locations” and then after that you are paying extra. What?!? If you want to get ready at your house, take pictures at your parents’ house and then have a separate reception site than ceremony, that’s fine by me! You shouldn’t have to pay extra to have your dreams of how you’ve imagined things. I don’t charge anything for extra sites. I charge a flat travel fee (if you’re more than an hour away) and that’s it!
3.) Are you getting the photographer or the assistant? Not 100% sure? Most brides aren’t!
Recently, a friend of mine got married. She hired a highly reputable photographer who was in a reasonable price range. The photographer had a larger company. She was aware of this, and was promised the photographer the day of the wedding. Well, guess what? The wedding came and so did the photographer’s assistants. The photographer only stayed to photograph the ceremony and then had their assistants cover the rest.
With me, you get ME. Even if I bring an assistant along, I call the shots and am with you to support you, 100%. No questions asked.
4.) Being an “artistic photographer” gives you a free pass to be anti-social with the wedding party and guests.
NOT! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to a wedding and seen a photographer who is so quiet, impolite, and anti-social because they are “making art” or focusing on “maintaining the best shots.” I’ve also seen young kids and even adults get yelled at by photographers for “interrupting the flow.” Really? I love people. I love meeting people, talking to people and getting to know them. You can believe that I will not only show up and capture the best moments on camera, but I will be smiling and social too! It’s important that the wedding party and guests feel 100% comfortable with the photographer so the best shots can be taken. Awkwardness shows in photos!!
5.) Who cares if it’s a picture of you or your family, you still have to pay to make reproductions or copies of it!!
This is the thing that really makes my blood boil. How can photographers charge extra money for YOU to use wedding pictures of YOU? Or how can they charge money if you want to print an extra 5 x 7 to send to Aunt Sally or Uncle Pete? This is absurd! It’s just another way for photographers to try and nickel and dime you. If I take a picture of you, and you pay me for my time and services it’s yours! I don’t care what you do with the photos after the wedding. Every package I have includes 100% reproduction and copyrights to the client. I also give you a photo CD of ALL YOUR WEDDING PHOTOS!! That’s right… YOUR photos!! Of YOU! Not me, not another photographer, YOU! Okay, you get my point J
Alright. There it is. My opinions on what’s wrong with wedding photography today. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, or if you are interested in actually getting a good value for your money, I’m here.
All information on this sheet copyright Tara Katherine. ©2011